Friday, May 28, 2010

Preparing for Adventure!

The countdown has begun! This blog will chronicle the travels of Acton Baptist Church and friends under the leadership of Tour Host Glenn Ward. We're in for an adventure and want to share our day-to-day travels and finds with friends and family. See our Itinerary.

I'm the tour archaeological lecturer, and I'll try to upload a brief description of each days tour plus a few pictures as our hotel internect connections allow. Check back daily beginning June 7 as we prepare for a dip into history across the eastern Mediterranean. You find us at times in the foot steps of the Apostle Paul's Second and Third Missionary Journeys, and other times climbing the Athenian Acropolis or walking the walls of ancient Troy looking for signs of Greek treachery--and Helena's telephone number!

We look forward to your comments each day! 

Bon Voyage!