Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our Journey Begins

After rather uneventful flights from DFW, Charlotte, NC and Munich, Germany we all arrived (with all our luggage!) at Izmir, Turkey, right on schedule. A lovely airport with no lines for Visas or Customs, luggage that was waiting for us when we got to the carousel, and a guide that greeted us happily, helped us reach our bus, and gave us a nice introductory tour to the country, region, and our schedule over the next week.

we arrived at our first hotel where we will stay for three days. A very cosmopolitan, large hotel with all the amenities  and three swimming pools, just minutes away from ancient Ephesus which we passed on our way through the city of Seljuk (Kusadasi). The modern town has a population of about 200,000 and many condos close to the Mediterranean Sea. The ancient city we will visit later, but we did see the theatre built on the slopping hill that is mentioned in the Book of Acts (more later).

We are settling into our rooms and have about an hour before our 7:30 pm dinner. Some are taking a stroll, others striving to stay awake after 24 hours of travel! Stay tuned for news of our first day out tomorrow as we prowl across Western Asia Minor, ancient Anatolia....


Callwarrior said...

Rumours have it that there are complaints coming into the hotel concierge regarding a Canadian skinny dipper frequenting the pools. When asked by mgmt who he is and where he is staying the individual responded in what is believed to be a German dialect stating; "He was just following his Rabbi!".

The mystery rabbi has yet to be identified.

Anonymous said...

Great to read about the start of your adventures! I'll be following you. :) Say hi to the Frankster.