Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Day Across Country

Because the Hotel has no internet signal and I am snatching this one from the neighbourhood, I will be brief tonight.

Everyone is great and had a long, interesting day. We are now in our hotel at Canakale after starting the day at Pergamum where we visiting the Acropolis (along climb that tested our growing muscles!) with a theater hanging onto the side of a hill, a large Temple of Apollos, A temple dedicated to the genus of Roman Emperor Trajan, and the great Altar of Zeus remains that are mentioned in the book of Revelation as the "throne of Satan" (Rev 3).

From Pergamum we had a two hour drive to Alexandria Troas where paul took ship for  Macedonia after having his vision of the man calling him to take the Gospel into Europe from Asia Minor. Here we trudged down the beach to see the scant remains of the ancient harbour and then took a peek father up the hill of ruins within this ancient city of over 200,000 inhabitants.

Another drive took us to Troy, where Homer's Iliad was connected to the archaeological remains we visited. (HEY! The hotel power just went out!)

Will sign off and try to load a few pictures to accompany this short description of another happy day. Tomorrow: A long drive to Istanbul, crossing the Dardenelles by ferry and a visit to the Hagia Sophia, the largest church in the ancient Christian world....

1 comment:

Alfalfa said...

Sounds like you guys had a full day on Saturday...Tell Mrs. Alfalfa all is well in Texas...Sure do miss that 'lil lady...It's very hot & dry here...All is well with her Mom, have talked with her a couple times...I will be leaving Dodi with DK instead of the Vet...Tell Glen I say his Mom today, she is doing fine after a slight cold...David keep good pictures & info coming, we enjoy it all very much...Alfalfa